Friday, June 6, 2008

Travel Photography In Coba Mexico

This past week I was photographing in Coba Mexico with Jamie Coutts of Original Video productions.
(taking a break shooting Coba ruins)

Coba is a large Maya city of the located in the state of Quintana Roo. It is located about 2 hours east of the Maya site of Chichen Itza and about 1 hour west of the Caribbean Sea and Tulum.
(the main pyramid at the Coba site)

It has been reciently connected by a modern road making it more accessable, but it still has not been popularised like Chichen Itza.

(Jamie Coutts checking out a large monument in the small city)

Infact they are still excavating parts of Coba. Its still surrounded by lush jungle forests the site is built up in an area which extends over some 80 km².

(me shooting a monument in between cites at the Coba site)

This meant that Coutts and myself took quite a bit of time to shoot Coba.



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