A few blog posts ago I wrote about my top travel tips, and in it I posted a picture of my reading material for the trip... a few graphic novels (individual compilations of comic book story arcs).
Alot of people emailed me asking if I really read graphic novels, and if so why? Well I do read them, alot of them infact. I even use them as inspiration and research for upcoming photo shoots.

See in graphic novels the artists need to be very aware of lighting and composition. Each panel is used to move a story along, often without words or dialogue. So I study the image composition and the lighting and implement the same techniques with my photographs.
Especially in my industrial work. I have to clarify, I do not buy individual comic books though, because I am way too impatient to wait a month to see how a story will progress.
In addition to graphic novels I collect comic art. What is comic art that you ask? Well obviously comics are drawn first.... so I purchase the actual drawings that are used to make the book. It's a huge industry with prices starting in the high hundreds for one page and often tens of thousands of dollars depending on the artist and character.

I personally prefer collecting only the cover art rather than the inside pages. The art is drawn on much larger pages 13x19 than the actual book.

An artist will make a few sketches of cover options before they begin to pencil the real cover. These are called "Prelim Sketches". The Prelims' and are presented to the publisher for approval. I pick cover prelims that were approved on occasion as well... They are quite interesting because you get to see the progression of the art to the final cover.

I collect alot of Robert Atkins GiJoe work right now. He's one of the hottest artists out there and a super cool guy to deal with. He also does the art that you see in Heroes the TV series.
Anyways this post was ,not so much photography related but a little about me personally.
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