I love canon products. I swear by the 1dsMK3, and for alot of my work like travel and documentary no other camera works as well. True the ISO range on the MK3 sucks, but i rarely shoot over 400 anyways, so for me the ISO argument is a moot point. But this blog post is to mention the power of Phase One backs. Really I cant imagine how a photographer could work in the commercial field without owning or having constant access to Digital Medium Format, especially studio shooters.

I understand the argument of spending 20,000 or more on a camera, but then how the hell do photographers shooting on the 5D or 5D2 even attempt to justify rates of $1000+ a day. I mean come on, the cameras alone just dont justify the photographer day rate!

Thankfully though for high end pro shooters, I am noticing that many ad agencies are starting to realize that photographers who shoot on lower end SLR's may not be the best choice for the commercial jobs... And rightfully so.

For those who are reading this who have never shot or seen photos from D medium format its really another world. When a client and photographer is concerned about quality, and I mean real quality, there is no other way to go. I am finding myself shooting more and more and more on my Phase One p30+ even when the job dosent require it. I guess it comes down to the fact that I want to deliver the best possible product interms of image quality I can, and phase allows me to do just that.

Some work from the phase back.
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