Travel work in Alberta... finally.
I end up shooting alot of travel work outside of Canada, I guess that makes sense because I live in Canada, but what I mean is I rarely get commissioned to photograph travel in Canada.
A blessing at times, a curse at other times. I have been comissioned, once to shoot travel in Canada, I photographed the Confederation bridge in PEI, yeah I know, an Alberta guy shooting in PEI... that shoot in itself is quite a story.

Back to my rant, finally, this past spring I won a nice little RFP from the Alberta Museum Association to shoot 6 museums in Alberta.
I mean its not like shooting in Jordan or Egypt, but it was actually a nice little project because I was given the opportunity to visit and photograph museums in Breton, Camrose, RedDeer, Fort McMurray, and really had I not been awarded this commission I would have never seen these places.

So rather than posting some new pics of south east asia, I decided to post a couple images from the AMA series here.
What was really cool about this gig is my art direction was zero... really... it was just here is some money and go take pictures of these museums, and make sure they are good, alot of trust on thier part from the AMA, and I commend them for that. When it comes to travel work, thats the type of commission I and other travel shooters love getting. 
