Lots happened in 2008. I was quite fortunate n my personal life but from a photography standpoint 08 was a real jump for me. I hosted a photography exhibition for the 2008 Canadian Olympic Taekowndo Team in Beijing China. Several commercial trips to various locations from Jamaica to Playa came to fruition. I had the chance to shoot with several outstanding clients like Ethan Moreau, Ed Stelmach, McCann (an huge ad agency), Tom Gilbert, Nike Vision, Optamedia, Venture Publishing, Avenue Magazine and to many others wonderful clients to mention. I have to give a lot of credit to hard nosed tutelage of Jim Korchinski who basically pushed me to be my best but moreover not forget the business side of my work. Jim also pushed me to keep shooting for charity. In this area I was fortunate to work for the Stollery Childrens Hospital, Elves Society, Cure for Cancer, Dreams Take Flight and a few other community based charities.
Although 08 offered more than I could have ever asked for I can only look forward to 09. On the plate I already have an extensive shoot in Egypt and Jordan planned.

Anyways here are some images I shot for an big spread in Avenue magazine. The spread came out in BW but here are some of the color images.
Although 08 offered more than I could have ever asked for I can only look forward to 09. On the plate I already have an extensive shoot in Egypt and Jordan planned.

Anyways here are some images I shot for an big spread in Avenue magazine. The spread came out in BW but here are some of the color images.

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