My Olympic TaeKwonDo project is coming along just fine. Kevan Morin tells me he should have some designs later this week, so I am pretty excited to see what he has come up with, the exhibition should be complete within 2 weeks.
Anyways, while in shooting the Olympic exhibition in China I ended up shooting some travel images of the Great Wall for a client.

As to be expected I was very impressed with grandeur of the Wall. But what really amazed me was that it was very difficult to photograph.

Its not straight at all, it snakes in every which direction, which made it very difficult to use vanishing point framing.

I really like to use my 70-200 and to shoot a snaking wall with a telephoto didn’t really work.

So I chose to use my 17mm wide angle… I think it worked well. At end of the day I think I came up with some pretty cool images.
Its funny because when shooting commercial travel images, many people think that photographers shoot should off the beaten path, but in reality the best selling photos are of tourist attractions.

Most books like Lonely Planet, Lets Go or Airline Magazines need images of “popular” tourist attractions and not some landmark or local in a crazy little town in the middle of nowhere. Very few travelers go off the beaten path.